"So it begs this question. Gold and Bitcoin are speculations that generate no interest, dividends nor earnings, and both have been researched and rampant price manipulation supported many times in multiple ways.
Why would you want to participate?" -Roderick Mann
My Answer:
You participate because you know how everything is overleveraged; You participate because ownership and control in other assets is superficial; You participate because people are lied to; You participate because the financial industry has been making money off the backs of the people; You participate because it's better than holding derivative assets with only price exposure; You participate because assets are held in the street name; You participate because of a lack of confidence in those Governing; You participate because a deposit is a loan, a liability on the books; You participate because you know about the growing weight of debt; You participate because to big to fail banks can have bail-ins; You participate because you are aware of the problems; You participate because it's not really your money when their name is on it; You participate because fiat has nothing backing it; You participate because you know that eventually things will be exposed; You participate because you see what other smart people are doing; You participate because you've taken the time to understand; You participate because your not a day trader; You participate because a majority of companies traded are junk or fail over time; You participate because you believe taxation through inflation/deflation is theft and theft is a sin; You participate because there needs to be alternatives for diversification; You participate because BRK.A really isn't that much different with no splits or dividend payments; You participate because you see how it can incentivize efficient energy production; You participate because others in the community also see the same problems; You participate because you see the retirement crisis; You participate because you understand inflation and currency debasement vs something of scarcity; You participate because currency debasement will cause the price to increase over time; You participate because you don't like the wars the dollar funds; You participate because you understand the value behind work; You participate because everyone participating benefits; You participate because it's a movement to produce change peacefully; You participate because you see the potential future; You participate because it's still early and people are still hating on it.
Just a few reasons in my opinion...
Why hold Gold or Bitcoin?

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