(Draft 3/7/2023)
Platforms like Liquity allow one to mint a debt position in the form of a monetary unit against ETH.
Assuming growth in usage of tBTC after proper testing. It would be interesting to have a platform like Liquity using tBTC with a few potential features.
Control could be decentralized via DAO NFT, minted upon the creating a trove with an associated debt position, while representing the depository assets and position. An NFT representing the trove without a debt position would have no voting claim. Proposal could be voted upon with a unique registered delegated address or via signing with an address containing said NFT like ENS voting standards. The NFT would be transferable along with its underlying collateral and debt position. Votes could be weighted based on the age and size of the trove with required locking periods for voting.
With a reasonable quorum of voters, based on representation of the total debt, the DAO would manage two functions to address monetary issues within reasonable limits and in reasonable time frames.
1. Adjustments to the interest rate
(suggestion < 0.25% weekly with base limits).
2. Adjust the liquidation ratio
(suggestion < 1% weekly with base limits).
As the Bitcoin market grows and stabilizes into the future, the collateral ratios could be reduced to increase the supply of the decentralized monetary unit (DMU). But a proposal could also be used to reduce the circulating supply by raising rates or collateral ratios. Being over leverage would be discouraged, as liquidations would cancel out the value of one’s DAO NFT vote.
The platform should allow for self-liquidations. The DMU token or debt position being issued should allow for the repayments of debts. The platform should also allow for the redemptions of underlying assets should the DMU token depeg. A user should be capable of adding additional collateral to shore up loans or use new collateral to pay down existing loans.
If we don't like DMUs...
We could call it DUMB, Decentralized Unit of Monetized Bitcoin.
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